Wednesday 9 April 2008

The Rabbit Alphabet A...


· Originated from Germany from Argente and Himalayan rabbits
· Medium sized weighing between six and a half to eight and half pounds
· There is no visible neck in this dumpy breed. Their fur is black and shiny on the surface and black and matt on the belly. They have dark brown eyes and the toenails are dark in colour


The Angora is one of the oldest breeds of rabbit it is thought to have originated in Turkey hundreds of years ago
· They were initially bred for their wool

· There are four types of Angora: English Angora, French Angora, Satin Angora and Giant Angora.
· The English Angora is adorned with what are called "furnishings". These are growths of wool on the tips of the ears and front feet. The ears should be well covered with a ball-like tuft of wool but they should also have a fur covering over the outside of the ear from the base up to the tufts
· Their eyes are rich ruby red
· The English Angora is gentle in nature, but not recommended for those who don't enjoy grooming their animals
· Since the introduction of the white or albino Angora, some beautiful coloured Angoras have been bred
· The French Angora is slightly larger than the English Angora and requires less grooming
· The Satin Angora has no furnishings on face, ears, or feet. They are also easy to groom compared to the English angroa.
· The Giant Angora is only white with three hair types in its wool: under wool, awn fluff, and awn hair. They are gentle, loving rabbits.

Argente Cream

· This is the smallest of the Angente breed
· The under colour is orange and the top colour creamy white interspersed with long orange hairs

Argente Bleu

· A compact rabbit weighing about six pounds
· An under colour of lavender and a top coat of bluish white

Argente de Champagne

· This was bred and kept in France for many years
· It was used as both a fur and meat bearing animal by the French peasants who raised it
· The name does not refer to the colour of the rabbit but the district of France that it comes from
· The actual colour is a silvery colour, the under colour is dark slate blue and the top coat is whitish blue shot through with black
· It is slightly larger than medium sized breeds, weighing around eight pounds

Argente Brun

· Brought into England in the 1920's from France
· It is rarely seen now

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